Neil Ashe (pictured here), president of CBS Interactive, is stepping down from his post.
CBS confirmed the move after BoomTown made inquiries recently, after hearing of various executives who had been contacted by the media giant about the position.
“Neil has helped make CBSi into the successful and profitable business it is today. Looking out into 2011, we are working on a relaxed timeframe to name a successor to his post, as he embarks on his next great thing,” said a spokesman.
It is not clear where Ashe is headed, nor who his replacement will be.
But an exec close to the situation said that Zander Lurie, who has worked closely with Ashe at CNET and CBS, will take on a bigger role.
Lurie is currently SVP of strategic development at CBS.
Several years ago, CBS bought CNET, where Ashe was CEO.
He had been at CNET since 2002, and replaced Quincy Smith as the interactive division’s head.