On the Tuesday, i saw several paid advertising on twitter for the 2012 Presidential election, among which was from Incumbent president Barack Obama. Obama's campaign team," Obama for America" in micro-blog site Twitter launched a "promotional messages" ( Promoted Tweet ), which appeared on the Tuesday evening in the Iowa campaign on the top of the related search pages. These political groups or campaign organization paid on "promotion message" advertisement can make these Twitter message appear on the top of the search results pages.
Obama Official Twitter account @BarackObama, managed by "Obama for America" Group, released a piece of news at 4 p.m. Eastern time, which tells " When Obama four years ago as a candidate won the election in the state of Iowa, he made a commitment to this country, and served as president after fulfilling his promise." This message appears in the Twitter label "# iacaucus" on the top of the search results where users discuss Iowa state election situation.
The Twitter message link can guide the users to the BarackObama.com page, showing where are you when Obama won the Iowa state election?